Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jack Moore Memorial Scholarship and Burgess Bursaries

Deadline: August 28

Saskatchewan Command of the Royal Canadian Legion, along with Dominion Comman are offering 10 scholarships of $300 each. In addition, Saskatchewan Command is offering 10 bursaries of $300 each.

These are offered to students who have completed their grade 12 and are continueinng their education in their first year at university, technical school or business college.

These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic standing. The bursaries will be awarded on the basis of academic standing and financial need.

Sons/daughters, grandsons/granddaughters and great grandsons/granddaughters of Veterans, Ex-Service or still serving Military or R.C.M.P. personnel.

Application forms are available from you guidance counsellor or from The Royal Canadian Legion, Saskatcheawn Command at 306.525.8739

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