Monday, December 16, 2013

Canadian Women in Municipal Government Scholarship

Deadline: January 15, 2014

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities' scholarship program for secondary school students began in 2010. There are five awards of $500 each, with one award to be presented in each of the five regions of Canada (British Columbia, The Prairies and Territories, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada). The scholarship is open to female students enrolled in any year of study in secondary school and who are contributing to their school´s leadership team or student council.

For further information, click here.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

SIAST - Application Deadlines

SIAST offers more than 150 post-secondary programs and provides training to apprentices in almost 30 trades. The application process varies. We have three types of admission processes at SIAST.
  • Competitive - The Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, delivered in partnership with the University of Regina, uses a competitive admission process. Applications are ranked according to specific program requirements. Refer to the program website for details.
  • First Qualified/First Admitted (FQFA) - The First Qualified/First Admitted (FQFA) process is used for the majority of SIAST programs.You can submit your application at any time, and it is considered for the upcoming start date for the program. When we determine you meet the program's admission requirements, you will be offered admission. The earlier you provide the qualifications for admission to the next start date, the earlier you might begin your studies.
  • High-Demand - A small number of SIAST programs are designated as high-demand. The following programs are currently designated. For more information on admission requirements for high-demand programs, refer to the program's official web page.
High-demand programs are open for application from 8:00 a.m., October 1, to 4:30 p.m., February 15 (Saskatchewan times) each academic year. All supporting documentation is required by 4:30 p.m. (Saskatchewan time), February 28(29).

The selection criteria for high-demand programs are broader than academic requirements. Examples of potential selection criteria include interviews, career explorations and work or volunteer experience.

University of Regina - Application Deadlines

Thinking of applying to the U. of R? Click HERE for application deadlines for various programs.

Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

The Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (SCBScN) program is offered jointly by the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST) and the University of Regina.
As a student you will begin your nursing education in Year 1 with opportunities to work directly with patients. You will prepare for the future of health care by taking innovative courses in areas such as health informatics and Aboriginal health.

When you graduate, you’ll receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. You’ll be ready to make a real difference in your patients’ lives and work as a valuable member of a health care team that includes physicians, paramedics, social workers and therapists.

Locations: Saskatoon, Regina and Swift Current

Click HERE for further information and to access an application form.

Application Deadlines, University of Saskatchewan

February 15 - Deadline to apply for Kinesiology and direct-entry Education programs

May 1 - Deadline to apply to Arts and Science, Agriculture and Bioresources, Edwards School of Business and Engineering.

University of Saskatchewan Competitive Entrance Awards

Deadline: February 15
Competitive Entrance Awards are based on academic achievement, financial need, and/or contributions to school and community life. These awards also recognize particular backgrounds, acknowledge contributions to certain clubs, and reward achievement in music or athletics. Competitive Entrance Awards are available to:
  • students proceeding directly from high school to university; and
  • students who have been out of high school for one or more years and have less than 18 credit units transferable to a program of study at the University of Saskatchewan.
Students are eligible to receive payment of one Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship and one Competitive Entrance Award. If eligible to receive multiple awards, students will be contacted to confirm which award they will be accepting. Students can receive additional awards administered at the college/department level or from an external source. Self-declared St. Thomas More (STM) students may be eligible for additional awards and will be contacted when the STM awards application becomes available (usually in August).
Click HERE for specific application information.

Bethany College - Campus Visit Days

February 27 & 28, 2014

Bethany College in Hepburn SK is holding campus visit days. Students are invited to spend time in the classroom, stay one night in the dorm and meet students and faculty.

For further information, click HERE.

Medicine Hat College: Competitive Programs Deadline

May 1st, 2014

This is the deadline to apply for competitive programs including Bachelor of Nursing, Power Engineering, Paramedic, Licensed Practical Nursing and University Transfer Engineering.

All other programs remain noncompetitive and will be assessed on a first-come, first served basis.

For further information, click HERE.

Indian Communication Arts (INCA) Program

First Nations University of Canada in Regina offers the INCA program, which prepares students to meet specific communication needs of Aboriginal peoples and is a great way to fill the 2 year pre-Journalism requirements. For further information, click HERE.

Ambrose University College Open House

February 13, 2014

Ambrose University College, in Calgary, is hosting an open house. Students who are interested in learning more about the university degrees, ministry training or seminary education offered at Ambrose are welcome to attend. Click HERE for further information about programs and life at Ambrose.

StudentAwards Website

This website offers access to various scholarships. You can join HERE.

TD Scholarships for Community Leadership

Deadline: December 6, 2013

TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are open to students across Canada who are in their final year of high school or CEGEP (in Quebec); have a minimum overall grade average of 75% in their most recently completed school year and have demonstrated community leadership.

For applications and further information, click HERE.

Providence College Scholarships, Open Houses, Registration

Providence University College is located in Otterburne, Manitoba. It provides a Christian university education to students from all over the world that offers accredited Bachelor of Arts Degress in a variety of Areas. For further information, click HERE.

Feb. 27 & 28, 2014 - Breakaway - an experience for prospective students in grades 10-12 to experience Providence  by staying on campus for a full day or overnight.

December 31, 2013 - deadline for Academic Entrance Scholarships

April 1, 2014 - Deadline for Designated Scholarships and Bursaries

AFOA-PotashCorp Aboriginal Youth Financial Management Awards

Application Deadline: Friday, January 10, 2014 at 5:00 EST

Candidates will submit an essay addressing the following questions (maximum 1500 words)

  • tell us about yourself
  • what does Citizen Engagement mean (or look like) to you?
  • how would you like to see Citizen Engagement implemented in your community? 
  • How would you like to become involved?
  • what are some important issues that you would like to voice and do you have any suggestions for change?
Click HERE to apply online. Click HERE for further information.

University of British Columbia - Information Sessions in Saskatchewan

Students who are interested in knowing more about life and learning at UBC are invited to attend on of the following sessions:

Saturday, November 9  - Saskatoon - Delta Bessborough Hotel - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Saturday, November 9 - Regina - Hotel Saskatchewan - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

There are also live broadcast sessions. Click HERE for further information.

Remember that if you apply and are accepted to UBC, you can visit one of their campuses and they will pay for the flight. Click HERE for more details.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lloyd Info Evenings | Lakeland College

If you missed the fall open houses at Lakeland College, you may want to take advantage of one of these opportunities!

Lloyd Info Evenings | Lakeland College

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

U of S Virtual Open House

Date: November 21, 2013, 2:00 - 6:00 pm

This event is for students who may have missed the on-site open house earlier this year. Click HERE for more information and/or to register.

University of Saskatchewan: Competitive Entrance Awards

Deadline: February 15, 2014

All entering students at the U of S are strongly encouraged to apply for Competitive Entrance Awards, which are awarded based on a number of criteria including academic achievement, financial need, and/or contributions to school and community life.

Students can access the application and information about the awards HERE . The application deadline is February 15, 2014.

Upcoming Deadline for U of S - Education - Practical and Applied Arts

December 15, 2013

Students who wish to apply to the University of Saskatchewan for a College of Education Practical and Applied Arts program (Home Economics, Industrial Arts or Technical Vocational) must submit the application for admission by December 15, 2013 to be considered.

Click here for further information.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Recruitment for House of Commons Page Program

Deadline: Monday, December 9, 2013

Each year, 40 students are selected from high schools across Canada to come to Ottawa to work as Pages in the House of Commons. Pages have the opportunity to learn about the House of Commons while witnessing the legislative process first hand.
Those hired as Pages work on a part-time basis during their first year of study at one of the universities in the National Capital Region.
For further information and access to an application, click HERE.

Friday, October 18, 2013

What is Business Administration?

Thursday, December 5 from 9:30 - 3:00
Grade 11 and 12 student are invited to attend an informative day to discover more about pursing an education at the Paul J. Hill School of Business, University of Regina. There will be mini-lectures and workshops provided by instructors on the Bachelor of Business Administration majors. A draw will be made for a $500 bursary prize, as well as other prizes.

Click HERE for further information.

Skilled Trades and Technologies Week

November 4 - 8, 2013

for more information about this initiative, click HERE or HERE.

Olds College Fall Open House

October 25 or 26
Olds College will host an Open House on Friday, October 25 and Saturday, October 26 to showcase their programming options. They will feature industry representatives to help prospective students discover more about possible employers and job opportunities in each of the program areas.

Students will get an in-depth look at the campus, receive guided tours, meet instructors and students, learn about financing their education and receive step-by-step instructions on how to apply.

For further information, click HERE.

2014 National Book Award and Scholarship Program

Deadline: November 8, 2013

The University of Toronto National Book Award Program is intended to recognize and reward the very best Canadian secondary school students, regardless of which university those students choose to attend. These are students who demonstrate superior academic performance, original and creative thought, and exceptional achievement in a broad context. They excel in academic pursuits, demonstrate enthusiasm for intellectual exploration and have a strong involvement in the lives of their schools and communities.
Each secondary school in Canada is invited to nominate one student on the basis
of these criteria. The deadline for nominations is November 8, 2013. The Book Award is sent to the school for presentation to the student.
Download Instructions for Schools and/or Nomination Form (pdf files)

Business and Beyond Competition (SIAST)

Date: November 28, 2013
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Location: SIAST Palliser Campus, Moose Jaw
SIAST’s Business division is holding its first annual Business and Beyond competition for Saskatchewan high school students. You may wish to participate if:
  • you know you have what it takes to make it in the business world;
  • a career in business interests you but you don’t know where to start; or
  • you want to have some fun and show off your skills.
Put together a team of four and compete against students from all across province.
Business and Beyond is a full day of challenges in SIAST’s Business diploma programs: accounting, administration, financial services, human resources, business information systems, insurance and marketing. You’ll rotate through the business specialties and complete mini challenges in each. The top four teams will compete in a final competition to show what they have learned. The winning team will receive tuition credits towards a SIAST Business program.
There will also be a trade fair where students can learn more about the different programs.  Current SIAST Business diploma students will be on hand to answer your questions about their specialty and life at SIAST Palliser Campus.  You can also arrange to take a tour of the campus and hear SIAST alumni talk about where your Business diploma can take you.
Click HERE for further information.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Shad Valley

June 29-July 25, 2014

This is a four-week, pre-university experience at a top Canadian university for students in grades 10, 11, or 12. The Shad Valley program provides an opportunity for bright students to be challenged in Science, Engineering and Entrepreneurship

Shad Valley offers a curriculum of academics, collaborative projects and physical/recreational activities. Students purse existing interests and develop new ones and learn how to assess information critically. It's a demanding program that pushes students to levels of challenge and achievement.

For application forms and further information, click HERE.

Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities 90th Anniversary Student Scholarship

Deadline: January 3, 2014

Amount: 2 X $1500 scholarships in agricultural safety and rural health

Applicants must:

  • be enrolled in grade 12 for the 2013-2014 school year
  • planning on studying at a post secondary school in the fall of 2014. You can be studying out of the province if the course is not offered in Saskatchewan
  • have completed your last 2 years of high school in Saskatchewan
  • have a farming background and live in a rural area
  • have parents who own/rent land and pay taxes to a rural municipality
The requirements of this award are to:
  • complete an application form
  • write an essay on either "The Importance of Safety and Health on our Farm" or "Safety and Health Hazards on our Farm.

Click HERE for an application form and further information.

Friday, September 27, 2013

New Trades Website

The Saskatchewan Construction Association has partnered with many associations and training institutions to develop a new website called TRADEUPSASK which was launched Sept. 25th .

The website focus is a ONE STOP SHOP with information in how to get started in the trades. The web link is :

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

U of A Engineering Expo 2013

September 28, 2013

Prospective students are invited to learn about the engineering profession by:

  • participating in interactive and informative displays
  • attending presentations on important and current issues
  • touring research and teaching facilities
  • attending admissions presentations or talking to outstanding students in the U of A Engineering program
For further information, click HERE.

Alberta College of Art and Design - Open House and Portfolio Days

October 18 and 19
January 18

This is an opportunity for prospective students to meet with ACAD faculty to discuss their artwork and get their portfolios in order. Participants are asked to bring 6-12 different pieces of work as well as sketchbooks and perhaps some writing samples.

This is also an opportunity to take a campus tour and meet with admissions staff for help with applications.

For further information, click HERE.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Loran Scholars Program

Deadline: October 16 - Sponsored Applicants
October 23 - Direct Pool Applicants

Online applications are now open for the Loran Scholar program. Candidates should demonstrate character, service and leadership potential. Excellent applicants show a genuine commitment to serving others, ability to manage and lead others, determination, independent thinking and a willingness to take meaningful risks. 

30 Loran Scholars will be selected, each of whom receives a scholarship worth up to $80,000 that includes mentoring, a summer program, orientation expedition and participation in the community of past and present Loran Scholars. Up to 40 national finalist will also be chosen ($3,000 each) and 40 provincial finalists will be selected ($2,000 each).

For further information, CLICK HERE.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

University of Saskatchewan: Tours and Open Houses

There are a number of programs set up to allow prospective students to learn first-hand about the University of Saskatchewan. They include an Open House, on October 4, 2013, as well as other opportunities listed below. Click on the links for further information, including registration.
  • Campus Tours: Explore one of the most beautiful campuses in Canada.
  • Open House: Spend time on campus with prospective students, parents, counsellors, teachers and others .
  • Graduation Powwow: Celebrate graduating Aboriginal students from the U of S and from high schools across the province.
  • On Campus Day: Become a student for a day!

Machining Madness

Saturday, October 26, 2013
10 am to 3 pm

Interested in Machining?

SIAST, Wascana Campus in Regina is hosting a Machining Madness Day. There will be competitions to see who will be the "maddest machinist"!  Don't miss it!

CSI (Come, See, Investigate) SIAST

SIAST Kelsey Campus
October 23, 2013
SIAST Wascana Campus

October 24, 2013

SIAST Wascana Campus
October 24, 2013
Meet in the auditorium
1 pm - 3 pm

These events are an ideal way to get an in-depth look at a specific program and become familiar with the student life, campus atmosphere, financial aid, admission requirements and the application process.
CSI SIAST is available to students in grades 11 and 12 as well as high school graduates.
To pre-register go to myChoice.

At SIAST Palliser Campus in Moose Jaw, and SIAST Woodland Campus in Prince Albert, students and parents can arrange for individual CSI sessions. To set a date, please email the student recruitment advisor. 
Moose Jaw -     Prince Albert -

Monday, September 09, 2013

Open House and Campus Visits - University of Alberta

October 19, 2013

The University of Alberta's annual Open House will be held on Saturday, October 19, 2013 at the Butterdome in Edmonton.  Students, and their parents can join over 10,000 guests who will visit campus on this day to explore over 200 programs, connect with faculties and services, tour campus and residences, and attend presentations. 

Students can plan their day in advance by signing up for Early Admission Workshops and Campus Tours before the day of the event.  

To find out more about Open House, or to sign up for sessions in advance, please visit

Another option for prospective students is to arrange a campus visit and tour. Those interested can sign up using this online webform.  

What is Engineering? - 2013

Saskatoon - Friday, October 11
Regina - Tuesday, October 8
Registration Deadline - September 25

Schools in Saskatchewan are invited to send their top grade 12 students and one student advisor to participate in this event held by the engineering profession as well as the 2 colleges of engineering.

Each event consists of presentations give by engineers, university professors and university students. Participants will become familiar with what the engineering profession may offer.

For further information, ask your guidance counsellor.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Murray Montague Memorial Scholarship

Deadline: August 9

Offered annually to Saskatchewan High School graduates who proceed to an institution of higher
learning anywhere in Canada. Selection is based upon academic achievement, leadership skills, community
and school activities and special awards.
Must be registered for a full academic load for a full academic year as required by the institution chosen.
The scholarship will be awarded after a) proof of registration in the institution b) a photo-copy of final
transcript of Grade 12 marks issued by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Education. and c) receipt of winner’s
Social Insurance Number which is required for income tax purposes.

For further information, click here.

2013 Canada Post Aboriginal Education Incentive Awards

Deadline: August 31, 2013

Canada Post's Aboriginal Education Incentive Awards celebrates the hard work of those who have resumed studies after a minimum of 12 months out of school and have now completed one year or more in an educational program. Open to all Aboriginal Canadians, recipients will be selected by a jury comprising an Aboriginal community member and a Canada Post representative.

For further information and application forms, click here.

SAASE/Clark and Anne Lewis West Coast Amusements Bert and Grace Dagleish Scholarship

Deadline: prior to June 30, 2013, which is the deadline for your Agricultural Society to submit your nomination

Amount - 2 X $1500 and 2 X $1000

Application forms for this award are provided to each Ag Society, who will nominate a deserving student who is a

  • Saskatchewan resident
  • be planning to attend the U of S, U of R or SIAST
  • be entering their first year of post-secondary
  • complete first semester of first year
  • be nominated by an Ag Society

For information and application form, click here.

Saskatchewan School Boards Association Education Scholarships 2013

Deadline: August 31

Each year, the Saskatchewan School Boards Association awards 2 $2500 scholarships to graduating high school students who remain in Saskatchewan in post-secondary study.

This includes both a University Scholarships and an Applied Science and Technology Scholarship. Recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated good character, community leadership, financial need and a 500 word essay.

For further information click here.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

SportLogo 25th Anniversary Athletes in Education Scholarships

Deadline: Completed application forms must be submitted to your school's Athletic Director by June 7, 2013

SportLogo, through the Saskatchewan High School Athletics Association, is sponsoring two scholarships for two graduating students, one male and one female, who have demonstrated exceptional involvement in their respective schools. Criteria include:

a) students must have demonstrated academic success, athletic participation and leadership
b) students will have academic averages which qualify them for university or technical school

Click here for application form and further information.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Scholarships

Deadline: May 31

The Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Association is once again offering a scholarship for students whose parents are registered pulse growers who have been accepted into an accredited Saskatchewan Post-Secondary program associated with the pulse industry or agriculture.

Click here for further information and an application form.

Monday, April 08, 2013

Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship

Deadline: May 24

The Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship Program is for Canadian high school students from family farms who have successfully enrolled at a Canadian educational institution (degree or diploma) in a first-year agriculture program.
If you have applied for entry into a college or university, but have not yet been accepted, you can still apply for a Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarship. However, if you are awarded a scholarship, you must provide an acceptance letter from your educational institution.
Successful applicants will each be awarded a scholarship valued at $1500, based on demonstrated academic standards and leadership in the community. Selection will be made by an independent panel.
For application forms and further information, click HERE.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Skills Work Conference for Young Women

Deadline: April 15

Participants can:

  • Meet women who love their trades or technology jobs
  • Network with other Grade 9 to 12 women
  • Participate in a team engineering activity
  • Learn about Apprenticeship
  • Visit the Skills Competitions
  • Win cool prizes!
  • Find out if a career in the trades is for you!

For more information, click HERE.

Gerry McCudden Memorial Scholarship Award

Deadline: May 17
The CEFPI Saskatchewan Chapter Gerry McCudden Scholarship is a competitive, merit-based scholarship program designed for graduating grade twelve students who desire financial support for their pursuit of post-secondary educational opportunities.

1. The candidate shall be a graduating grade twelve student.
2. The candidate shall have an academic average of 80% or higher in their grade twelve year.
3. The candidate shall have leadership potential as measured by leadership roles in school or community activities, or by creatively and vision demonstrated through participation in school or community activities.
4. The candidate will submit an essay on the required Essay Subject: “There has been increasing evidence that the design and condition of an educational facility has a significant impact on the quality of education and a student‟s ability to learn. In 500 words or less, please describe how your high school facility has contributed to the quality of your education. Also, please describe the changes to your high school facility that you would propose, which you feel once implemented, would improve the quality of education.”
5. The candidate must be accepted into a post-secondary educational program following their grade twelve graduation, (i.e.: university, technical school, community college, etc.)

For further information, including an application form, click here.

Les Donnelly Scholarship

Deadline: May 31

The Les Donnelly Scholarship is awarded annually up to a maximum of $2,000 to a Saskatchewan resident who is enrolled in a college or university level program. It is funded by the Saskatchewan Safety Council's Trust Fund which was established in the 1970's to help fund safety education and public awareness programs and events.

Applicants must submit their responses to the eligibility questions along with their application to be considered.  Applications must be received by the Saskatchewan Safety Council no later than May 31st for the same year of studies.

For more information, click here.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Alberta College of Art and Design Pre-College Program

Application Deadline: April 30
Program: July 8 - August 2, 2013
The Pre-College Program is a visual arts and design immersion for serious art students between 16-18 years who have completed grade 11 or 12.
If you are a talented high school student who is serious about pursuing post-secondary studies in visual art or design, the Pre-College Program is your opportunity to become immersed in intensive art and design experiences at the college level that will focus your learning on the materials, skills and knowledge that are relevant to artists and designers today. It is a genuine opportunity for you to work like a professional artist/designer and to be mentored by professional artists and designers.
Social and educational events and trips during the Pre-College Program will open opportunities for you to interact with your surroundings as an artist/designer and to get to know everyone in the Program. They will also introduce you to artists and designers who have been resourceful and successful in their careers.
A limited number of full and partial bursaries are available. Please see THIS LINK

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Machining Madness

Saturday, October 26, 2013
Machinists are everywhere and are in high-demand. Machine shop grads find employment in variety of different work places, from mines and steel mills to automotive engine shops and food processing plants. Come. See. Investigate what goes on in a machine shop!
SIAST Wascana Campus
4500 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK 
Room A164

For more information go to and create a profile. Then click on "Events" and the "Register for this Event" at the bottom of the page.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hazel Asmussen Fund (Fine Arts)

Deadline: April 30
The Hazel Asmussen Fund provides an annual scholarship for a student who is pursuing post-secondary education in the fine arts. Hazel, a retired nurse and local artist, had long been involved in community building. Donors have contributed to this fund since 2007.
 The 2013 scholarship amount will be $962.

 Eligible Applicants
-          Students registered in post-secondary programs for the Fine Arts
-          Students from the Battlefords and district
 Application Process
 Applicants must submit a completed application to the BDCF by the deadline of 5pm on April 30, 2013. The Grants Committee will review all applications by May 15, 2013. They will focus on applicants who have met the above criteria. The scholarship will be paid directly to the college/university on behalf of the successful applicant once proof of tuition payment has been received by BDCF.

For an application form CLICK HERE.

Legion: Jack Moore Memorial Scholarships and Burgess Bursaries

Deadline: August 28, 2013

Saskatchewan Command, in co-operation with Dominion Command of The Royal Canadian Legion are offering TEN (10) Scholarships of $300.00 each.   In addition, Saskatchewan Command is offering TEN (10) Bursaries of $300.00 each.

These are offered to students who have completed their Grade 12, and are continuing their education (1st year) at:

a)      University  b)Technical School (2 year course)  c) Business College (complete business course)

The SCHOLARSHIPS will be awarded on the basis of ACADEMIC STANDING as recorded in the Departmental Records.


These Scholarships and Bursaries are available to the sons/daughters, grandsons/granddaughters and great grandsons/great granddaughters of Veterans, Ex-Service or still serving Military or R.C.M.P. personnel.

CLICK HERE for an application form.

Delta Co-op Bursary

The Delta Co-operative Association Limited is offering a bursary to each of the five high schools in their trading area. The amount of each bursary for this year is $500.00. Two $500.00 bursaries are offered at Unity Composite High School. They also offer one $500.00 at large to the high schools in their trading area where they do not have a Co-op branch.

To access an application form, click here.

Friday, March 08, 2013

Retail Council of Canada Scholarship

Deadline: March 30
Retail Council of Canada, in partnership with industry sponsors, will award more than $85,000 in scholarships and benefits to students entering or currently enrolled in a business, marketing or retail-related program at a Canadian post-secondary institution.
Students who receive the scholarships will not only benefit from financial assistance for their post-secondary education, but will also attend STORE 2013 in Toronto where they will have the opportunity to engage with  professionals in the Canadian retail industry.
For further information, click here.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

RCMP Youth Camp

Application Deadline: March 28, 2013

Thirty-two grade 11 and 12 students will be chosen from across the Prairie Provinces and the territories to attend a one week camp at Depot in Regina from August 11 to 17. These students will be selected based on their academic achievement, citizenship, and interest in police work. 

Talk to your guidance counsellor for application information.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

nitôncipâmin omâ - We Are Here Program, U of R

We are here to support first year student success!
The nitôncipâmin omâ Studentuccess Program provides Aboriginal students with the most supportive learning environment for their first year of University study.
 At the ASC, we strive to equip students with effective study methods to ensure they reach their full potential and academic goals. Through this program, participants are provided with all of the tools necessary to succeed throughout their University careers and beyond.
 Program participants will:
·         receive 18 to 24 transferable credit hours toward their degree program
·         receive support from a Student Success Facilitator who will provide course content clarification and supplementary learning, providing the opportunity to possibly earning higher grades than without the program
·         enter into their own learning community and instantly meet other new students with the same goals and direction
·         Have increased scholarship and bursary opportunities by maintaining higher grade point averages achieved through good work ethic and commitment to learning.
To find out more about the program, please visit:  

Extended Awards Deadline, U of Regina

The University of Regina is has extended the Entrance Awards deadline to March 20, 2013.

Due to the nearing deadline, they are offering two workshops to help students apply for Entrance Awards and to help answer any of their questions. 
If you have any questions about our awards application process please contact:

Student Awards and Financial Aid
Phone: 306-585-5666

Extended Education Deadline, University of Regina

The Faculty of Education has extended their application deadline to March 15, 2013 for all teacher education programs starting Fall 2013. 

They have created a webpage called "How to Apply to Teacher Education." This webpage provides students with deadlines, important information, the application form and a worksheet with the questions that they will have to fill out.

View the webpage here.  

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

The Canadian forest products industry has launched a resource tool called which provides information on the industry, current and available career opportunities across Canada and career descriptions for the most in-demand careers in the industry (millwrights, electricians, engineers, sales staff, truck drivers, foresters, chemists, communicators and many more).

Click here to visit the site.

Energy and Our Environment ecoClips Video Challenge

Deadline: April 26
Thinking about our environment? Economics and ecology? Wondering how can society balance the cost, need and environmental impacts of energy use?
Grab a video-cam and capture your ideas. SaskPower Shand Greenhouse invites you to participate in our ecoClips Video Challenge.
Submit your three minute enviro video and you could win a laptop computer. For further information, click here.

Lakeland Open Houses

Lakeland College is offering the following program information sessions:

Environmental Sciences Enviro-Citing Day - Friday, March 6, Vermilion Campus
Academic Upgrading - Tuesday, March 26, Vermilion Campus
Agricultural Sciences and Ag-Citing Day - Friday, March 15, Vermilion Campus
University Transfer - Education - Thursday, April 4, Lloydminster Campus
University Transfer - Arts, Social Work and Commerce (including pre-professional programs such as Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentristry and Veterinary Medicine) - Friday, April 5, Lloydminster Campus

For further information, click here.

Online Early Learning and Childcare/Educational Assistant

It is now possible to complete a Early Learning and Childcare or and Educational Assistant certificate program online through Lakeland College. The courses include the same content as the on-campus programs and include a hands-on practicum component. For more information, call 780.853.8400, ext 8661.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards

Deadline: March 31
The Belcourt Brosseau Métis Awards Fund was established at Edmonton Community Foundation in 2001 by the directors of the Canative Housing Corporation, Orval Belcourt, Herb Belcourt and Georges Brosseau, to help Métis Albertans realize self-sufficiency through post-secondary education and skills development.
Since 2002, the awards have provided more than $4.5 million related to over 1,000 awards to more than 700 Métis Albertans studying at institutions across Alberta and beyond, making it the largest non-governmental source of student funding for Métis students in Canada.
For further information, click here.

University of Alberta Rural Discovery Day

Date: April 12, 2013
Time: 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Location: Lister Centre (Maple Leaf Room), University of Alberta North Campus
Rural Discovery Day is held each year to  introduce rural students and their family members to the University of Alberta in person. This day-long event is a chance for you to check out the University of Alberta and learn about all of the opportunities they offer. For further information, click here.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Winsor and Guruparan Awards

Deadline: April 26, 2013

These awards are granted, through competition, to Canadian citizens who are academically gifted, well-rounded, and pursuing their first undergraduate commerce/finance/business degree/diploma at a recognized post secondary institution.
This program is aimed at those students whose parents/guardians do not have a postsecondary education or received their post-secondary education outside of Canada. Applicants must be intending to pursue their first undergraduate commerce/finance/business degree/diploma at a recognized post secondary institutionin or outside of Canada.
The Awards Selection Committee will award $6,000 to one successful female applicant for the Guruparan Scholarship and $6,000 to one successful male applicant for the Winsor Scholarship, through competition.
For further information and an application form, click here.

Oddfellows and Rebekahs Bursary

Deadline: March 22

These $1000 bursaries are awarded to students deemed most worthy and in need of financial assistance. Applicants are to submit their transcripts, indication of financial need and future plans, as well as 2 letters of reference regarding their school, church and community involvement.

For more information and an application form, click here.

Wayne Eger ESL Learner Scholarship Fund

Deadline: April 15

The Wayne Eger ESL Scholarship fund of $1000 will be provided annually to a student who is a recent immigrant or refugee, is a Saskatchewan resident and is enrolled or about to be enrolled in a provincially recognized post secondary institution or enrolled to take PLAR exams which will further their education or professional development. The applicant has to demonstrate financial need.

Click here for an application form.

Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation Scholarship

Deadline: Last Friday in April, annually

This scholarship is sponsored by the Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation and offered to students within the Living Sky School Division. Considerations include academic standing, community involvement, extracurricular activities and leadership. Students must submit their application and career portfolio to their career counsellor. Click here for an application form.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

U of T Youth Summer Programs

The University of Toronto's Youth Summer Programs bring together the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine to offer an experience for high school students who are interested in seeing what it is like to be a student in one of these faculties.

Participants have access to the university's academic and research professionals and take part in hands-on academic programming. The YSP are held in July and August on the University of Toronto's downtown campus and range in length from one to five week. For more information about program content, dates and fees, click here.

Thursday, February 07, 2013

SIAST - Important Deadlines!

Applications are being accepted to these high-demand programs until 4:30 p.m., (Saskatchewan time), February 15.  All supporting documentation is required by 4:30 p.m., (Saskatchewan time), February 28.

SIAST Nursing Deadline Approaching!

Applications to the Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (SCBScN) program are due by 4:30 p.m., (Saskatchewan time), February 15.  The program includes innovative and contemporary courses in areas such as health informatics and Aboriginal health. It will appeal to students motivated by real-world learning opportunities. Students in this program, offered jointly by SIAST and the University of Regina, start working with patients in the very first year. To apply visit

Monday, February 04, 2013

Projects Abroad

Projects Abroad sends volunteers ages 16 and up to 29 countries to do over 150 different unpaid internships and service projects. Volunteers can go for as little as 2 weeks and up to a year. Starting dates and duration of programs is 100% flexible.

Projects Abroad hosts 2 week Summer Specials designed for 16-19 year olds to get a range of experience in a short period of time. Trips combine multiple projects and activities to allow volunteers to get the most out of their time overseas. In addition to volunteer programs, language classes and observational sessions, there are planned weekend activities at local tourist attractions.

For further information about Projects Abroad, click here.

U of R Open House

Friday, May 10th
The University of Regina will be hosting an Open House for new and future students. This is a chance to tour campus, meet professors, staff and current students, attend information sessions and workshops, book an academic advising session and register in classes and spend an night in the residences.

For more information, click here.

Lethbridge College Scholarships

NEW Award Opportunities: Lethbridge College is now offering  70 new “Triple Term Scholarships” in over 10 different program areas, including: Environmental Assessment; Restoration, Natural Resource Compliance, Renewable Resource Management, Business Administration, Computer Information Technology, Interior Design, Fashion Design & Marketing, Correctional Studies, Early Childhood Education and Child & Youth Care. 

Each scholarship totals $4,500 and will be presented in $1,500 installments over the recipients first three terms. These scholarships are based on academic achievement and recipients must remain in good academic standing.
Lethbridge College is offering an additional $30,000 in International Scholarships, with $20,000 allocated for international students and $10,000 allocated for our students to participate in exchanges.

Click here for application information.. Application opens March 1.

Certified Management Accountants Scholarship

Deadline: July 31, 2013
The CMA High school Scholarship of $1000 is available to one graduating high school student who is entering the accounting program at the University of Regina or the University of Saskatchewan. The scholarship will be awarded to the student with the highest GPA in Grade 12 and will be presented at the CMA annual convocation ceremony.

To apply, send a letter of application to the Society of Management Accountants of Saskatchewan. For further information, click here.

North Battleford hosts U of R Workshop

February 26 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm
The University of Regina will be holding an admissions workshop. Students attending will save $30 on their application fee and find out on-the-spot if they are admitted to a their program of interest as well as if they are eligible for a Centennial Merit or Merit Plus Scholarship.

For further information, call 1.800.644.4756

Friday, February 01, 2013

University of Alberta Awards Deadline Reminder

UAlberta Entrance Award applications are now live and ready for high school students to complete online! The new application process will allow you to receive an automated email once a student lists you as a reference for our Entrance Leadership Scholarship or Scholastic Distinction Scholarship application, directing you back to our website to complete your portion. Please note, you must complete your part by March 4, 2013 for the application process to be complete. 
>> Click here for a sample of what the automated awards email and subject line will look like

Aboriginal Student Discovery Day - U of A

The University of Alberta invites Aboriginal students in grades 10, 11 and 12 to take part in a free one-day UAlberta experience at our North Campus on March 15, 2013. Students will be able to learn about UAlberta programs and admissions, tour campus and residence, and engage with current U of A students and staff. 
For more information about this event, or to register to attend, please Click here 

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Ambrose University College Open House

Thursday, February 14 - 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Ambrose University College, a Christian University located in Calgary, AB will be holding an Open House. For further information about Ambrose, click here..

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

CUPE 4747 Scholarship

Deadline: April 30
Amount: Minimum of $300.00
Application forms: Ask you guidance counsellor OR download the application here.
Students in grade 12, whose parents are members of CUPE 4747 are eligible to apply for this scholarship by submitting their high school marks and a letter outlining their future education plans to CUPE 4747. Proof of acceptance at a post-secondary school must be provided before the money is given.

Selection will be made by the CUPE Local 4747 executive.

Music Mix Contest for High School Students

Deadline: April 30
Prize: $25 000 Scholarship to Nimbus School of Recording Arts in Vancouver
Link: click here

Starting April 1, 2013, students will be able to download raw tracks and create their own unique mixes. Contestants will need to upload their completed mixes by April 30, 2013 for public voting. The top 10 mixes based on the public vote will then be judged by Nimbus co-founders Bob Ezrin and Garth Richardson, along with Universal President Randy Lennox. The high school student creating the winning mix will receive a $25,000 scholarship to attend the elite Nimbus School of Recording Arts in Vancouver, BC. Nimbus offers in depth training for engineering, record production, Urban Hip Hop production, as well as a Music Business program.

National Union of Public and General Employees Scholarships

Deadline: June 30, 2013
Amount: 4 awards of $1,500 given each year to children of NUPGE members
Application forms: click here
Each year, the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) offers four scholarships that reflect its pursuit of equal opportunity for all workers. They are open to the children of the National Union’s 340,000 members who are starting a post-secondary education.
The Tommy Douglas Scholarship for $1,500 is open to all students who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian public post-secondary education institution full-time in 2013 - 2014 and who are the children or foster children of a NUPGE member.
It will be awarded for the best 750 - 1,000 word essay on: How Tommy Douglas contributed to making Canada a more just and equitable society.
The Terry Fox Memorial Scholarship fr $1,500 is open to all students with disabilities who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian public post-secondary education institution full-time in 2013 - 2014 and who are the children or foster children of a member of the NUPGE.
It will be awarded for the best 750 - 1,000 word essay on: The importance of quality public services in enhancing the quality of life of people with disabilities.
The Scholarship for Aboriginal Canadians for $1,500 is open to all Aboriginal Canadian students who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian public post-secondary education institution full-time in 2013 - 2014 and who are the children or foster children of a NUPGE member.
It will be awarded for the best 750 - 1,000 word essay on: The importance of quality public services in enhancing the quality of life of Aboriginal Canadians.
The Scholarship for Visible Minorities for $1,500 is open to all visible minority students who plan to enter the first year of a Canadian public post-secondary education full-time in 2013 - 2014 and who are the children or foster children of a National Union of Public and General Employees member.
It will be awarded for the best 750 - 1,000 word essay on: The importance of quality public services in enhancing the quality of life of visible minorities.

Friday, January 18, 2013

University of Regina Entrance Awards

Deadline: March 15

Student Awards and Financial Aid at the University of Regina has launched SAMS - a new Student Award Management System - which is now available on their website here.

SAMS offers a number of features, including:
- Public Search Page: the ability for the general public to search the entire University of Regina undergraduate awards database utilizing sort and filter functions without logging in
- Secure Site: students with a U of R ID can register and log in to have key pieces of their academic information (such as faculty of study, GPA information and credit hours earned) pull into SAMS to assist them when searching for awards that they may be eligible to apply for
- the ability for students to search, identify and apply online for awards

Video tutorials on how to navigate and apply online using SAMS are available on the website. Written instructions will be posted very soon.

With the launch of SAMS, the 2013 Entrance Awards Competition is now open.  Students are encouraged to apply online using SAMS (will ensure quick, accurate processing).  

(NOTE: while it is ideal for students to have a U of R ID when they register on SAMS, it is not a requirement.  However, students must have applied for admission by the scholarship application deadline of March 15, 2013 to be eligible for consideration.)

Saskatchewan Agriculture Student Scholarship

The Ministry of Agriculture is once again offering the Saskatchewan Agriculture Student Scholarships.  Ten Saskatchewan students entering agriculture-related post-secondary studies in 2013 will be awarded a scholarship of $1,000.  Applicants are asked to produce a three-minute creative video or write a well researched 750-word essay describing why agriculture, today more than ever, is a vibrant, diverse industry.

To access application forms and information, click here.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Skills Canada Saskatchewan Website

For information about annual skills competitions, plus career profile videos, visit

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Kin Canada Bursaries

Deadline: February 1
Amount: Several, worth $1000.00

Kin Canada Bursaries are awarded based on the following:
  • Financial need
  • Community and volunteer involvement
  • Knowledge of/experience with Kin Canada (Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin Clubs)
To apply for a Kin Canada Bursary, you must:

  • Be a Canadian Citizen or Landed Immigrant
  • Plan to be a full-time student, in the next academic school year, at a recognized university,
  • community college, technical institute or other post-secondary institution for advanced learning
  • Demonstrate high ideals and qualities of citizenship, and have not previously received a bursary from the Hal Rogers Endowment Fund
  • Complete and mail the standard, current application form to only ONE Kinsmen, Kinette or Kin club nearest your permanent residence (club mailing addresses can be found on this bursary website under 'How to Apply').
 To access the application website, click here.