Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Saskatchewan School Boards Association Scholarships


Each year, the Saskatchewan School Boards Association awards two $2,500 scholarships to graduating Saskatchewan high school students going into post-secondary study:

Degree Program Scholarship: $2,500

Technical/Trade Program Scholarship: $2,500

Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated good character, community leadership, financial need, and a 500-word essay. The application deadline is Aug. 31 each year. To access the application form and view the rubric that is being used to score the scholarships, visit:


Monday, June 28, 2021

Lloydminster Society of Petroleum Engineers Scholarship 2021

Deadline: September 3, 2021

The Society of Petroleum Engineers – Lloydminster Section, are making the following awards available to students from a high school in Lloydminster and the surrounding areas. The Lloydminster Section of the Society of Petroleum Engineers donates these awards to worthy candidates to recognize graduating high school students:

·        Personal development

·        Academic Achievement

·        Contribution to school and community

The scholarships are intended to financially assist students who will be continuing their education in a post-secondary institute and who are majoring in SCIENCE or ENGINEERING with relationship to the petroleum industry. The applicant must be in full time attendance and a member of the current year’s graduating class. At the time of awarding the scholarship the applicant must be enrolled full time in a post-secondary program of studies at a university, college or technical school.

1.  Two (2) High School Scholarships at $1,000.00 each,

For further information, please refer to the following documents:



Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Scholarships available over summer

ScholarTree.ca has provided a list of scholarships that are available at some point from now until the end of August. 

Google Sheet - Summer Scholarship List

Excel File - Summer Scholarship List