Friday, October 25, 2019

Applications for Education, U of R

Students applying to the four year Elementary, Secondary, and Arts Education programs, as well as the five year programs (B.Ed./B.Kin, B.Mus Ed, and B.Ed/B.Sci) no longer need to complete the Teacher Education Application Profile (TEAP). Removing the TEAP will allow greater access to the direct entry English program, attracting a more diverse group of future teachers with varied skill sets, experiences, and backgrounds. Please note, however, that students applying to le Bac, or the After Degree (BEAD) programs will still need to complete the TEAP. Also note that the B. Mus.Ed program still requires it's audition component prior to finalizing acceptances.
To apply to the four year Elementary, Secondary, and Arts Education programs, as well as the five year programs (B.Ed./B.Kin, B.Mus Ed,and B.Ed/B.Sci ) students must select their appropriate Application Type from the drop down menu (ex: High School Student, College/University Student, etc.) on the online application. They will then select their preferred program under the Planned Program of Study (ex: Secondary Social Studies Education). This is the same process your students applying to most of the programs at the U of R follow, such as those applying to Arts, Engineering, Kinesiology, etc. They are also able to complete the paper application for undergraduate admission, if they prefer.
Student applying to le Bac must select Baccalauréat en éducation as their Application Type from the drop down menu when completing the online application.

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