Tuesday, February 17, 2015

National Union of Public and General Employees Scholarships

Deadline: July 6, 2015
Amount: $1500 each

This union is offering FOUR scholarships to students who plan to enter the first year of a public, post-secondary educational institution full-time in 2015-16 and who are children/grandchildren or foster children/grandchildren of a National Union member.

The scholarships are:

  1. Tommy Douglas Scholarship - winner will be determined on the basis of a 750-100 word essay 
  2. Terry Fox scholarship - winner will be determined on the basis of a 750-100 word essay 
  3. Scholarship for Visible Minorities - winner will be determined on the basis of a 750-100 word essay 
  4. Scholarship for Aboriginal Canadians - winner will be determined on the basis of a 750-100 word essay 

For further information, including essay topics and application forms, click HERE.

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