Thursday, November 06, 2014

Music Students Tour

The Music Department at the University of Regina, Faculty of Fine Arts invites prospective students and their parents to visit open classes and rehearsals during the week of Monday, November 24, through Friday, November 28, 2014.

Students can come and experience a day in the life of a university music student by sitting in on a selection of music classes for first-year music majors and are invited to bring their instruments or their voice to join in rehearsals with our major ensembles.

The week will also feature:
- Tuesday and Thursday noon-time recitals by students of our department
- a Monday evening voice recital by faculty member Dr. Helen Pridmore (7:30 p.m.. in the Shu-box Theatre)
- a Friday at noon concert by the Students' New Music Ensemble directed by Dr. Alain Perron

For more details and information on how to register please visit:

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