Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Winsor and Guruparan Awards

Deadline: April 26, 2013

These awards are granted, through competition, to Canadian citizens who are academically gifted, well-rounded, and pursuing their first undergraduate commerce/finance/business degree/diploma at a recognized post secondary institution.
This program is aimed at those students whose parents/guardians do not have a postsecondary education or received their post-secondary education outside of Canada. Applicants must be intending to pursue their first undergraduate commerce/finance/business degree/diploma at a recognized post secondary institutionin or outside of Canada.
The Awards Selection Committee will award $6,000 to one successful female applicant for the Guruparan Scholarship and $6,000 to one successful male applicant for the Winsor Scholarship, through competition.
For further information and an application form, click here.

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