Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Sask Polytech Updates


What's New?

Veterinary Technology Diploma Distance Option Added

This fall, our 2 year program will offer 8 seats for students with a remote learning option in collaboration with rural vet clinics to help meet the industry demand in remote areas. Students who are interested in learning more about this opportunity, should join our live information session via Zoom: 

Tuesday, April 27 at 6:00 pm - https://saskpolytech.zoom.us/j/98489148952 

Incoming Indigenous Students - Summer Transition Program

August 23-27, incoming Indigenous students can join this free program geared towards helping with the transition into post-secondary with supports for academics, funding, housing and opportunities to connect with their peers and feel comfortable on campus and with their studies! Sign up today.

Skills Canada - Saskatchewan

Good luck to all of Sask Polytech's participating students in Skills Canada Saskatchewan virtually this week.  Many are competing in their skilled trade or technology for a spot at nationals in June! This opportunity is giving our students unique experience in their industry in programs such as: plumbing, cooking, hairstyling, welding, architecture, coding, graphic design, photography, and electronics. 

Continuing Education Course Registration Update

Continuing Education has implemented a temporary phone-in registration process for those signing up for flexible learning courses. More details can be found here


What's Staying the Same?

Our Student Recruitment Advisors are still here to assist you. Campuses remain closed to the public but we are all working remotely.

 Explore More 

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Friday, April 16, 2021

Usask Engineering Partnership Upda


St. Peter's College and the University of Saskatchewan's College of Engineering are continuing to grow their partnership. Information about the University of Saskatchewan's renewed engineering program, as well as the partnership with St. Peter's College follows:

What is 'Re-Engineered'?

USASK has rebuilt their first year so that students can gain the skills & knowledge they need for their degree and career as a licensed professional engineer. The changes include:

A re-designed timetable to support learning and school/life balance.

Classes becoming broader and more relevant to real-world engineering.

NO final exams - you'll be graded on your competency and skills, not how well you can memorize large amounts of material.

Another change is that the admission average required is a 75% average - raised from the previous average of 70%. The one exception to this will students interested in studying at St. Peter's College, who can still be admitted so long as they meet the 70% average.

What does the partnership between St. Peter's College and Usask mean?

St. Peter's College and the College of Engineering's partnership means that students can still continue to select St. Peter's College as their campus for first-year engineering, taking advantage of benefits from both institutions as they always have.

It also means that students who fall below the new admission average of 75% can still begin their first year of USASK engineering exclusively at St. Peter's College, so long as they have met the original 70% admission average.

The College has a long history of supporting first-year students, and especially engineers, who benefit and excel from the 
small class sizes, additional scholarships, and supportive environment they develop with their fellow students and professors. It's no wonder why, in the last four years, 50% of continuing Engineering students at St. Peter's College have made the Dean's List at the University of Saskatchewan.

Do you want more information?

See all of the changes to the re-engineered program by visiting the re-engineered pageson USASK's and St. Peter's College's website - Students seeking additional information can reach out to engineering@stpeters.sk.ca or 306 682 7886 to answer any questions they have. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Resources from Scholartree

 Here are a few resources you can use to help students who are applying for scholarships:

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Paddy O'Rourke Poetry Scholarship


The deadline for submissions from Grade 12 students to the Paddy O’Rourke Poetry Scholarship is April 30. This year’s award is significant: $2,000. For more information including submission details, please visit www.orourkepoetryscholarship.ca