Thursday, November 28, 2013

SIAST - Application Deadlines

SIAST offers more than 150 post-secondary programs and provides training to apprentices in almost 30 trades. The application process varies. We have three types of admission processes at SIAST.
  • Competitive - The Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing program, delivered in partnership with the University of Regina, uses a competitive admission process. Applications are ranked according to specific program requirements. Refer to the program website for details.
  • First Qualified/First Admitted (FQFA) - The First Qualified/First Admitted (FQFA) process is used for the majority of SIAST programs.You can submit your application at any time, and it is considered for the upcoming start date for the program. When we determine you meet the program's admission requirements, you will be offered admission. The earlier you provide the qualifications for admission to the next start date, the earlier you might begin your studies.
  • High-Demand - A small number of SIAST programs are designated as high-demand. The following programs are currently designated. For more information on admission requirements for high-demand programs, refer to the program's official web page.
High-demand programs are open for application from 8:00 a.m., October 1, to 4:30 p.m., February 15 (Saskatchewan times) each academic year. All supporting documentation is required by 4:30 p.m. (Saskatchewan time), February 28(29).

The selection criteria for high-demand programs are broader than academic requirements. Examples of potential selection criteria include interviews, career explorations and work or volunteer experience.

University of Regina - Application Deadlines

Thinking of applying to the U. of R? Click HERE for application deadlines for various programs.

Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program

The Saskatchewan Collaborative Bachelor of Science in Nursing (SCBScN) program is offered jointly by the Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology (SIAST) and the University of Regina.
As a student you will begin your nursing education in Year 1 with opportunities to work directly with patients. You will prepare for the future of health care by taking innovative courses in areas such as health informatics and Aboriginal health.

When you graduate, you’ll receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. You’ll be ready to make a real difference in your patients’ lives and work as a valuable member of a health care team that includes physicians, paramedics, social workers and therapists.

Locations: Saskatoon, Regina and Swift Current

Click HERE for further information and to access an application form.

Application Deadlines, University of Saskatchewan

February 15 - Deadline to apply for Kinesiology and direct-entry Education programs

May 1 - Deadline to apply to Arts and Science, Agriculture and Bioresources, Edwards School of Business and Engineering.

University of Saskatchewan Competitive Entrance Awards

Deadline: February 15
Competitive Entrance Awards are based on academic achievement, financial need, and/or contributions to school and community life. These awards also recognize particular backgrounds, acknowledge contributions to certain clubs, and reward achievement in music or athletics. Competitive Entrance Awards are available to:
  • students proceeding directly from high school to university; and
  • students who have been out of high school for one or more years and have less than 18 credit units transferable to a program of study at the University of Saskatchewan.
Students are eligible to receive payment of one Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship and one Competitive Entrance Award. If eligible to receive multiple awards, students will be contacted to confirm which award they will be accepting. Students can receive additional awards administered at the college/department level or from an external source. Self-declared St. Thomas More (STM) students may be eligible for additional awards and will be contacted when the STM awards application becomes available (usually in August).
Click HERE for specific application information.

Bethany College - Campus Visit Days

February 27 & 28, 2014

Bethany College in Hepburn SK is holding campus visit days. Students are invited to spend time in the classroom, stay one night in the dorm and meet students and faculty.

For further information, click HERE.

Medicine Hat College: Competitive Programs Deadline

May 1st, 2014

This is the deadline to apply for competitive programs including Bachelor of Nursing, Power Engineering, Paramedic, Licensed Practical Nursing and University Transfer Engineering.

All other programs remain noncompetitive and will be assessed on a first-come, first served basis.

For further information, click HERE.

Indian Communication Arts (INCA) Program

First Nations University of Canada in Regina offers the INCA program, which prepares students to meet specific communication needs of Aboriginal peoples and is a great way to fill the 2 year pre-Journalism requirements. For further information, click HERE.

Ambrose University College Open House

February 13, 2014

Ambrose University College, in Calgary, is hosting an open house. Students who are interested in learning more about the university degrees, ministry training or seminary education offered at Ambrose are welcome to attend. Click HERE for further information about programs and life at Ambrose.

StudentAwards Website

This website offers access to various scholarships. You can join HERE.

TD Scholarships for Community Leadership

Deadline: December 6, 2013

TD Scholarships for Community Leadership are open to students across Canada who are in their final year of high school or CEGEP (in Quebec); have a minimum overall grade average of 75% in their most recently completed school year and have demonstrated community leadership.

For applications and further information, click HERE.

Providence College Scholarships, Open Houses, Registration

Providence University College is located in Otterburne, Manitoba. It provides a Christian university education to students from all over the world that offers accredited Bachelor of Arts Degress in a variety of Areas. For further information, click HERE.

Feb. 27 & 28, 2014 - Breakaway - an experience for prospective students in grades 10-12 to experience Providence  by staying on campus for a full day or overnight.

December 31, 2013 - deadline for Academic Entrance Scholarships

April 1, 2014 - Deadline for Designated Scholarships and Bursaries

AFOA-PotashCorp Aboriginal Youth Financial Management Awards

Application Deadline: Friday, January 10, 2014 at 5:00 EST

Candidates will submit an essay addressing the following questions (maximum 1500 words)

  • tell us about yourself
  • what does Citizen Engagement mean (or look like) to you?
  • how would you like to see Citizen Engagement implemented in your community? 
  • How would you like to become involved?
  • what are some important issues that you would like to voice and do you have any suggestions for change?
Click HERE to apply online. Click HERE for further information.

University of British Columbia - Information Sessions in Saskatchewan

Students who are interested in knowing more about life and learning at UBC are invited to attend on of the following sessions:

Saturday, November 9  - Saskatoon - Delta Bessborough Hotel - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

Saturday, November 9 - Regina - Hotel Saskatchewan - 10:30 am to 12:00 pm

There are also live broadcast sessions. Click HERE for further information.

Remember that if you apply and are accepted to UBC, you can visit one of their campuses and they will pay for the flight. Click HERE for more details.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lloyd Info Evenings | Lakeland College

If you missed the fall open houses at Lakeland College, you may want to take advantage of one of these opportunities!

Lloyd Info Evenings | Lakeland College

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

U of S Virtual Open House

Date: November 21, 2013, 2:00 - 6:00 pm

This event is for students who may have missed the on-site open house earlier this year. Click HERE for more information and/or to register.

University of Saskatchewan: Competitive Entrance Awards

Deadline: February 15, 2014

All entering students at the U of S are strongly encouraged to apply for Competitive Entrance Awards, which are awarded based on a number of criteria including academic achievement, financial need, and/or contributions to school and community life.

Students can access the application and information about the awards HERE . The application deadline is February 15, 2014.

Upcoming Deadline for U of S - Education - Practical and Applied Arts

December 15, 2013

Students who wish to apply to the University of Saskatchewan for a College of Education Practical and Applied Arts program (Home Economics, Industrial Arts or Technical Vocational) must submit the application for admission by December 15, 2013 to be considered.

Click here for further information.