Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Lakeland College Update

 Program info sessions
·         Human Services                                   March 5, Vermilion campus
·         Enviro-Citing                                         March 9, Vermilion campus
·         Business & University Transfer          March 13, Lloydminster campus
·         Ag-Citing                                                March 16, Vermilion campus
Prospective students, parents and friends are welcome. Sessions for other programs will be planned soon, for more details and updates go to

Program news and changes
Animal Health Technology
Changed to a competitive entrance process
•              Acceptance will be based on a work experience report and high school academic average
Adventure Tourism and Outdoor Recreation
All Business programs are based at the Lloydminster campus to allow for more flexibility in students’ course selection within the five majors of accounting, appraisal and assessment, marketing, general business, and small business and entrepreneurship
Pre-employment Hairstyling
Currently under development for fall 2012 – will be offered in evening and weekend courses
Heavy Oil Operations Technician
Changed to a competitive entrance process
•              Entrance into the program is based on an average between high school marks, career investigation report and interview with department faculty

Heavy Oil Operations Technician diploma (currently offered as a one-year certificate only)
Proposed for fall 2012 – two-year diploma program to train and graduate 4th and 3rd class power engineers
Practical Nurse
                Changed to a competitive entrance process
Competitive academic average in the required courses
For the latest information on all admission requirements, programs and calendar information, go to

New Holland & Lakeland partner to enhance agriculture programs
Lakeland College and New Holland Agriculture announced in September a new multi-million dollar, 10-year deal that will propel Lakeland students to the forefront of post-secondary agricultural education and hands-on training that incorporates advanced technology and the most up-to-date equipment. As part of the new agreement with Lakeland, New Holland will consign agricultural equipment to the college on a rotating basis annually or otherwise agreed upon. This academic year, about $320,000 worth of equipment including a T7 Series Tier IV EcoBlue Tractor, a 50 HP Boomer50 Tractor, a 56 HP L223 Skid Steer Loader, a manure spreader, a BR7090 round baler and four Rustlers utility vehicles have arrived on campus. During the 10-year collaboration, it is estimated the total retail value of the New Holland equipment consigned to Lakeland will exceed $12 million. In recognition of New Holland’s significant commitment, the college has renamed its farm operation to be the Lakeland College Student Managed Farm – Powered by New Holland. New Holland also established a $100,000 endowment fund at Lakeland that will supply a number of annual student scholarships and awards which will start in 2013, the college’s centenary year.

Academic Excellence Scholarships
Lakeland College is now accepting new student applications to programs that qualify for Academic Excellence Scholarships. Based on their Grade 11 average in five eligible subjects, Grade 12 students will receive an Academic Excellence Scholarship when they apply to Accounting Technician, Agribusiness, Business, Educational Assistant, Environmental Sciences and University Transfer. Scholarship amounts are:
•              $1,500 = 85% minimum average
•              $2,500 = 90% minimum average
•              $3,500 = 95% minimum average

Campus Visit & Tuition Credit Programs
From now until August, students travelling more than 101 km from their permanent home for a campus tour of either Lakeland College’s Vermilion or Lloydminster campus will receive a tuition credit of:
         101-150 km = $140 total tuition credit
         151-200 km = $170 total tuition credit
         201-250 km = $200 total tuition credit
         251-350 km = $235 total tuition credit
         351-500 km = $340 total tuition credit
         501-700 km = $475 total tuition credit
         More than 700 km = $600 total tuition credit (maximum available)
Students who take a campus tour will be entered to win a $1,000 tuition credit when they come for a campus tour. Names of two lucky new students (one for each campus) are drawn at the beginning of every academic year.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Top 20 Under 20

Deadline: January 23

Top 20 under 20™ applicants will meet the following eligibility requirements:
  • A young person who has demonstrated significant amounts of Innovation, Leadership and Achievements in their life, school, community, province or country
  • Under the age of 20 (as of December 31, 2011)
  • Canadian citizenship or permanent residence status
  • Desire to pursue some form of education or training, whether that be Canadian secondary, post-secondary or training education (high school or equivalent, CEGEP, GED, college, university, training or apprenticeship programs)
  • All nominations must include a letter of endorsement by a sponsor. The sponsor must speak to the applicant's role and innovative project.
  • Top 20 Under 20™ is an individual award. Applications for a group is not permitted.
  • Not a past recipient of the Top 20 Under 20™ Award

For further information, including access to an application, click here.

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Toyota Earth Day Scholarship

Deadline: January 31, 2012
Earth Day Canada launched the 2012 Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program to recognize and cultivate tomorrow's environmental leaders. This is an opportunity for students graduating from a Canadian high school  to earn one of twenty $5 000 entrance scholarships to go towards their post-secondary education, regardless of their chosen field of study. All they have to do is demonstrate excellence in their school studies and a commitment to the environment through school or community initiatives. A national winner will also receive a Panasonic notebook computer.
You can access information hereh: application online at

Friday, November 04, 2011

Augustana Preview Day

November 25, 2011

This day has been designated for prospective students to visit the University of Alberta's Augustana Campus in Camrose, Alberta.

Students will meet with professors, sit in on classes, enjoy a free lunch, learn about admission requirements, awards and residence admission and tour campus with a current student.

For more information, click here.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

BK Scholarship

Deadline: January 10, 2012

High school seniors, Burger King employees and children of Burger King employees are eligible to apply for these scholarships for $1000, $5000, $25000 or $50000.

Check out this link for further information.

U of R Social Work Information Evening in Saskatoon

Prospective students, counsellors and family members are invited to an information evening to learn about the field of social work, career opportunities and admission requirements. 
Guests will have an opportunity to speak with academic advisors and faculty members on:

Monday, November 7, 2011 at 7pm
Candle Room, The Atrium
111 Research Dr.
Saskatoon, SK

To RSVP or for more information contact or call 664-7370

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

U of R: What is Business Administration? Open House


YOU are invited to attend an informative and event-filled day to find out more about pursuing an education in Business Administration at the University of Regina:

Date:Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Time:  9:30 a.m.           Registration
         10:00 a.m.           Event begins
           3:00 p.m.           Event concludes

Place:                           Faculty of Business Administration
                                     University of Regina
                                     6th Floor - Education Building

Events of the day will include:
-Presentation on the Faculty of Business Administration programs
-Guest speakers
-Workshops/mini-lectures provided by instructors in all majors of Business Administration (Finance,Accounting, Human Resource Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, International Business, Management)
-FREE pizza lunch
-Draw for $500 bursary prize as well as other great prizes to be won

Parents and guidance counselors are welcome to attend and must register!

Please RSVP by Thursday, November 24, 2011 at:

*Free Parking will be provided for all guests!

Spots Open for Health Discovery Day

Thursday, November 10

This event, hosted by the University of Saskatchewan, which will feature a keynote lecture, two hands-on workshops and an interactive discussion with medical and health care professionals.

As there are still a number of spots left in the Discovery Day event at the University of Saskatchewan, we have decided to open the registration up to any interested high school student and the registration deadline has been extended to Monday, November 7th.

So, if you have any interested aboriginal students and/or non-aboriginal students, all are now welcome to register.  Attached is the most up-to-date workshop catalogue – the newest addition has been a Nursing workshop.

For schools that have not yet registered: Please follow this link to the school registration page submit the form.