Monday, March 28, 2011

Saskatchewan School Boards Association Education Scholarships

Deadline: August 31

The Saskatchewan School Boards Association offers two $2500 scholarships each year. One goes to a student who is entering university in Saskatchewan and the other to a student entering a recognized institute of applied arts and sciences in Saskatchewan.

Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated good character, community leadership, financial need and a 500 word essay.

For applications forms and further information, click the title link above.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Radiation Therapy Open House

The Saskatchewan School of Radiation Therapy is inviting interested parties to attend a Radiation Therapy Open House. This tour/information session will consist of a short presentation about a career in radiation therapy and the education required to become a radiation therapist, and a tour of the radiation therapy department.

Tours will be held on Saturday April 16, 2011 at the Saskatoon Cancer Center and the Allan Blair Cancer Center in Regina. All students and/or guidance counselors are invited to attend.

You are asked to register for this open house, with times to be confirmed once numbers of attendees are established. Contact numbers are: Saskatoon - 306.655.2175 and Regina - 306.666.2220

Click the title link to visit the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency's web site.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lieutenant Governor's Leadership Forum

Application Deadline: May 1

Forum: October 10-21, 2011

The Lieutenant Governor's Leadership Forum brings together 18 Saskatchewan youth in grades 11 and 12 who have demonstrated outstanding leadership abiliites in their schools and communities. For 10 days, these students will travel the province; meet successful people from government, business, the arts, science, athletics, the non-profit sector, media, academia, military and law enforcement; and take part in a variety of experiences designeed to strengthen the mind, body and their leadership potential.

Click the title link for further information.

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers Scholarship

Deadline: May 13

Students who have a parent who is a registered Saskatchewan pulse producer (i.e. they have sold or grown pulses in the last two years) and are accepted as a full-time student in a Saskatchewan-based post-secondary program that is associated with the pulse industry or agriculture are eligible to apply for this scholarship. Critera include academic achievement, demonstrated leadership and contributions to school and community life.

Click the title link to access and application form.

Jack Moore Memorial Scholarship and Burgess Bursaries

Deadline: August 28

Saskatchewan Command of the Royal Canadian Legion, along with Dominion Comman are offering 10 scholarships of $300 each. In addition, Saskatchewan Command is offering 10 bursaries of $300 each.

These are offered to students who have completed their grade 12 and are continueinng their education in their first year at university, technical school or business college.

These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic standing. The bursaries will be awarded on the basis of academic standing and financial need.

Sons/daughters, grandsons/granddaughters and great grandsons/granddaughters of Veterans, Ex-Service or still serving Military or R.C.M.P. personnel.

Application forms are available from you guidance counsellor or from The Royal Canadian Legion, Saskatcheawn Command at 306.525.8739

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lakeland College- Business & UT Program Orientations

Thursday, March 31, 6:00pm
Lloydminster Campus, Lakeland College
**No registration required

UNIVERSITY TRANSFER – Room BK 112 (session led by Charlene Bonnar, academic advisor)
-Learn everything you need to know in order to choose your classes:
-Popular transfer routes for UT students
-How transfer credit works
-Useful websites and resources
-UT classes and timetable
(University Transfer will hold additional sessions throughout the spring. Visit the “events” section of the College website for more details:

BUSINESS – Room BK 116 (session led by Erin Staden, academic advisor)
-Learn more about the new diploma with majors options. Come and learn more about what Lakeland offers and where your training can take you.
-Planned activities include meeting your academic advisor and business faculty, touring college and hearing from industry guests.

Click the title link for further information.

Friday, March 11, 2011

SaskTel Scholarships

Deadline: March 31

Every year, SaskTel helps students pursue career goals by awarding eight scholarships worth $3,000 each to Saskatchewan students attending post-secondary institutions in Saskatchewan.
To be eligible, students must:
 be a Saskatchewan resident
 be enrolled or about to enroll in a full-time studies (minimum 8 months) at a post-secondary education institute in Saskatchewan*
 be taking a degree, diploma or certificate program directly related to telecommunications. This would include but not be limited to electrical, electronic or telecommunications engineering, computer sciences, accounting and business administration
 have achieved a minimum 75% average in most recent education standing
SaskTel encourages Aboriginal people, persons with a disability, visible minority (non-Caucasians), and women interested in non-traditional careers to apply.
Click the title link to access an on-line application.

MuchMusic Scholarship

Deadline: April 29

Value: Five awards worth $1,000 each

To be eligible for one of the five $1,000 MuchMusic Scholarships, you must meet the following criteria:
· You must be between 15-24 and attending a Canadian high school, or Canadian publicly funded university or college (excluding residents of Quebec)
· You must have achieved a minimum grade average of 60% in your last completed year of study
· You must be a member. To register, visit
The essays topics are as follows:
1. MuchMusic is all about delivering great music content to our viewers. What are your suggestions on how to build upon what we already do to become even better?
We want to hear it all, whether it’s an idea for a show, a marketing campaign, a
commercial or a creative execution - as long as it’s all about music.
There’s a 500 word limit, so stay focused and remember, originality counts.
Hint: Try to think outside of music videos and live performances.
2. If your life had a "soundtrack", what would your main theme song be and what’s the
story behind your choice? Please include the song title and the name of the artist.
(maximum of 250 words)

Click the title link to visit for further information.

SOCAN Competitions for Young Composers

Deadlines: April 15

The annual SOCAN Foundation Awards for Young (Music) Composers are designed to recognize Canadian Composers under the age of 32 for specific musical works.

Click the title link and then on "contests" for further information.

Canadian Aboriginal Writing Challenge

Deadline: March 31

Are you an Aboriginal Canadian between the ages of 14-29? Showcase your talent and creativity, have your work reviewed by the foremost Aboriginal storytellers! You could win cash prizes and even have your work published in a national magazine!

Click the title link for further information.

Get Outside Your World Contest

Deadline: April 1

Building on Engineers Without Borders' award-winning School Outreach program, EWB, Honda Canada Foundation and Mountain Equipment Co-op are proud to announce Get Outside Your World, a national contest for youth.

Get Outside Your World challenges students to do just that - tell us their vision for a better world.

We want to know what students, grade 6-12 (including CEGEP), envision for a better world and how we can get there. Submissions can take the form of photo essays, videos and essays.

Prizes for winning submissions include a visit from an EWB overseas volunteer, a $1,500 scholarship for post-secondary education, and more.

Click the title link for further information.

Delta Co-op Scholarship

Deadline: June 1

The Delta Co-op in Unity is once again offering a $500 scholarship to students who:

-are graduating from a school in a community that DOES NOT have a Delta Co-op outlet

-express a sincere desire to further their education (college, university, accredited technical or trade school)

-enter a program that is a minimum of two semesters in length

-be the son or daughter of and active DELTA CO-OP MEMBER

Copies of the application form are available from the Delta Co-op office (228.2662)

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Les Donnelly Scholarship

Deadline: May 31

This scholarship is awarded annually to a maximum of $2000. It is funded by the Saskatchewan Safety Council's Trust Fund. The recipient must be a Saskatchewan resident who is enrolled in a college or university program. Applicants must submit their responses to the eligibility questions.

To download the application form, click the title link above.

Certified Management Accountants Scholarship

Deadline: July 29

This high school scholarship of $1000 is available to one graduating high school student who is entering the accounting program at the University of Regina, University of Saskatchewan or SIAST. The scholarship will be awarded to the student with the highest GPA in Grade 12, and will be presented at the CMA annual convocation ceremony in November.

To apply, the applicant should send a letter of applicant to the CMA office. An original high school transcript should be included, along with a 250 word essay explaining why he/she has chosen to pursue a career in accounting.

For more information about the CMA society, click the title link above.